A special report on race in Montana by The University of Montana School of Journalism
Northern Cheyenne
Fort Peck
Rocky Boy's
Ft. Belknap
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  Photo by Katie Hartley

Havre is a railroad town about 25 miles northeast of Rocky Boy's Reservation.

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Bordering on Racism


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Ken Blatt visits Havre and the local
4-B's diner regularly. Some residents of Rocky Boy's say they don't visit town often because they feel they face prejudice in Havre.

Along with his sister Jordan, J.C. Big Knife (pictured second from left), once attended school in Havre, but has since transferred back to the high school on the reservation. Pictured above (from left): J.C.'s cousins Quinton, 7, and Irvin, 12, along with J.C.'s mother Charlene and sisters Shawna, 10 months, Jordan, 13, and brother Carson (on the end), 11.

The stretch of land between Havre and Rocky Boy is vast and vacant; both communities are secluded.

The Rocky Boy's Reservation has only a few businesses, so many people choose to travel to Havre to work or to send their kids to school.

Joe Big Knife recounts an incident at Big R involving his grandson J.C. and says that this isn't the first time he felt he has encountered racism. Big Knife says that as a young man he was once refused medical treatment for a broken leg because of his skin color.


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